The Music Hall
The Music Hall was originally built as Centenary Methodist Church in 1868. Designed by architect Albert Harvey Hills, the building is a stunning example of Victorian-Romanesque architecture.
With soaring ceilings, a functional upstage Casavant organ, wrap- around mezzanine and massive stained-glass windows, The Music Hall main auditorium is a sight to behold. With seating for 993, an upper and lower lobby, elevator and plenty of ancillary rooms for storage, private functions and artist hospitality, there isn’t an event that won’t be enhanced by this gorgeous auditorium.
Once renovations are completed, this heritage building will boast the follow improvements:
professional production light and sound
new gender-neutral washrooms designed to handle high traffic events
improved at-grade loading capabilities
improve electrical distribution
state of the art ventilation and air conditioning
permanent and modular drink and food service infrastructure
improved accessibility services
live streaming and broadcast capabilities
new elevator
The Beaches - 2019 (photo credit Stephanie Montani)
Floor Plans
Main Floor Auditorium — the Music Hall
The Mezzanine Level of the Auditorium — the Music Hall
Ground Floor — the Music Hall